American Metal Ware® Coffee Urn
Installation, Operation & Service Manual
Model 67710E
Warning Labels.......................................2
About the 67710E Coffee Urn..................4
General Description.....................4
Features of This Model................4
Package Contents.......................5
Rough In Drawing....................................6
Initial Considerations...................7
Complete the Hook Up................8
Initial Start Up..............................9
Load the Coffee.........................10
Start the Brew............................10
After the Brew is Finished..........11
Bypass Adjustment....................12
Thermostat Adjustment..............12
Timer Adjustment.......................13
Flow Rate Adjustment................13
Fill Rate Adjustment...................14
After Each Use...........................15
Each Day...................................15
Wiring Diagram......................................16
Special Features
After completing installation and set-up, the
equipment owner should keep this manual for
future reference.
Grindmaster Corporation™
4003 Collins Lane
Louisville, Kentucky 40245 USA
(502) 425-4776
(800) 695-4500 (USA and Canada only)
(800) 568-5715 (technical service only)
FAX: (502) 425-4664
© Grindmaster Corporation™, 1996
1104 Form # AM-320-02
Thank you for purchasing this American Metal Ware product. American Metal Ware has
been building beverage equipment since 1883. This product has been designed for the
quality and cost conscious restaurant operator in mind. Our metal craftsmen proudly build
each product with great attention to detail.
This manual has been prepared to compliment your equipment. Take a few minutes to
become familiar with the equipment before you start operation. Within, you will find
information on the set-up, operation, and maintenance of the equipment. This information
will help you use this equipment to produce the best possible beverage product.
The installation and setup instructions will help get the equipment running quickly. You will
also learn the functions of all controls. Follow the cleaning and maintenance instructions
to ensure a long life for your equipment and to preserve its attractive appearance. If this
product requires service or adjustment, see the Adjustment section of this manual. This
section will explain the safest and easiest procedures for finding and making adjustments.
A repair parts section will help you identify the parts you need.
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American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
About the 67710E Coffee Urn
General Description
This coffee urn has been engineered to suit the special needs of the prison environment.
This section highlights the characteristics and special features of the product.
The urn is a large capacity, high-speed, coffee brewing and holding unit. The body is
constructed of two walls of stainless steel with insulation between. Inside is a large
capacity water tank where the brew is heated. Two ten gallon liners fit into that tank. Each
liner has its own controls which start and stop the brew process with the push of a button.
A pump draws water from the tank and sprays it over the grounds which are placed above
the liners. Faucets on the front of the urn allow the dispense of coffee from each liner and
hot water from the tank. A control automatically refills the tank as water is drawn off. A
thermostat regulates the temperature by switching electric heating elements inside the tank.
Features of This Model
Safety and Security
• No parts removable by hand.
• No breakable parts.
• Minimization of screw fastened parts on exterior. All remaining screws are one way.
• Lockable covers over control compartment and brewing area. When locked, there is
no access to hot water or coffee except through faucet.
• Security faucets with wrench tight, metal bonnets and self closing handles.
• Insulated body stays cooler.
• Lock our brew controls.
• Drain handle located inside control enclosure.
• Flanged feet may be bolted to table.
• Fully automatic brew cycle with automatic air agitation.
• Adjustable timer, by-pass, sprayover rate, and thermostat.
• Sensors indicate coffee in liner - no gauge glass.
• Automatic Refill and Low-Water, Heater Cutoff.
• Stainless steel mesh coffee filter.
• High Speed Brewing - Brew in both liners simultaneously.
• All components are easily accessible in the side control enclosure.
• Replace most components without draining the urn.
• Durable, easy to clean, 304 stainless steel construction.
American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
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Package Contents
This coffee brewer should be packed in a box on a wooden skid. Check to make sure the
box contains the following parts:
1) The Urn
2) Two stainless steel mesh brew baskets.
3) Three pad-locks and one set of three identical keys.
4) This instruction manual.
5) Two clamps for pump tubing - in the control enclosure.
6) Two sets of two keys to turn on brew controls.
The next page shows a rough-in drawing, number 094-004. Refer to this drawing for
information required for installation. The drawing shows the locations of the electric and
water inlets, and some important dimensions of the brewer.
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American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
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Initial Considerations
Unpack the Urn
Remove the cardboard carton from around the urn. Be careful not to scratch the stainless
steel with any tools. Unwrap any plastic wrapped items. Open both liner covers and
remove materials inside the liners. Remove the control enclosure to expose electric
Select a sight for the urn
The Urn must be placed on a sturdy, leveled table. The table must have a tray to collect
liquid from the faucets. To set up initially and adjust later, the installer must have access to
the side of the urn where the controls are located. Be sure to allow for space in the sight
Water and Electric
The electric ratings are printed on the nameplate of the urn and on the rough-in drawing.
The urn must be connected to a branch circuit with its own shut-off.
A water line must be run to the connection location. The urn has a 3/8” NPT water inlet as
shown on the rough-in drawing. Use 3/8” OD copper tubing for the connection. For
especially long runs where pressure drop is likely to be a problem, use larger tubing. The
water line should have a shut-off valve near the urn. The water pressure at the urn should
be between 30 and 70 psig.
Softened water does not make good coffee. For best results, use cold tap water. Cold
water will require a recovery time between brews. You may connect hot water if it is
necessary to brew in both liners continuously. Chlorine and lime in water are the biggest
problems in the operation of coffee brewers. Be sure the water is free of chlorine which will
deteriorate the stainless steel. Filters may be purchased to help control lime. American
Metal Ware’s warranty does not cover water problems.
Place Urn
Position the urn on the table in its operating position. Level the urn front to back and left to
right. The height of the feet is adjustable for this purpose.
Complete the Hook Up
Water Hook-Up
The water connection is on the back of the urn’s control enclosure - see figure 1.
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American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
It is a 3/8 Female NPT connection.
See the rough-in drawing for details on
location. You may wish to install a
water line filter to inhibit lime deposits
especially if your area has particularly
hard water. Lime, which precipitates as
the water is heated, will eventually
build up inside the urn.
Electric Hook-Up
Before starting any work, be sure the
electric line has been turned off. Check
the nameplate on the urn for the elec-
tric ratings of the urn. A wiring diagram
is also provided inside the control
enclosure and in this manual. Use the
appropriate circuit breaker and cord for
the electric service that this urn that
requires. Secure the cord to the rear of
the control enclosure with the
appropriate cord grip bushing. The hole
for electric connection is located on the
rear of the urn’s control enclosure as
shown in figure 1 and on the rough-in
Electric Inlet
3/8” FPT
Figure 1, Service Hookup Locations
Wire the cord to the terminal block and
the ground connection shown in figure
2. Be sure the connection is secure
and no strands touch adjacent wires.
Figure 2, Terminal Block
American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
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Initial Start Up
Now that the brewer is connected, it can be started and checked.
• Leave the access cover open.
• Turn on the water supply.
• Turn on the electricity to the urn.
The urn will now begin to fill. The heaters should still be off. When the water level is above
the heaters, the contactor will close to turn on the heaters.
Check for leaks in the water connection and inside the control enclosure. Assuming all is
working correctly, close the control enclosure and allow to finish filling. An indicator light
labeled FILLING is lit while the fill valve is open. When the light turns off, the urn is full.
The urn will take approximately 15 minutes to fill.
If cold water is used, the heat-up time is approximately 30 minutes depending on the
electric ratings of the urn. An indicator light labeled WATER HOT will turn on when the
heaters have shut off.
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American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
Now that the urn has been installed and started up, it is ready for operations. This section
describes the brew process from start to finish. Before brewing the first batch of coffee,
follow the procedure outlined here to brew an initial batch of water only into each liner. This
will rinse the components and set the gaskets and seals.
Load the Coffee
Remove the pad lock which secures the liner cover over the liner into which you want to
Lift the cover to expose the brew basket. Note that the brew basket has a mesh bottom
so filter paper is not required.
If there are used grounds in the basket, dispose of them and rinse the basket
Fill the brew basket with the proper
amount of ground coffee to brew
ten gallons. Pour the coffee directly
into the basket - do not use filter
paper. See the following section for
instructions on the amount and grind
of coffee.
Check the liner. The liner should be
empty and clean before brewing a
batch. If the liner is not empty, it
will overflow when brewing.
Place the brew basket over the liner
and close the lid. You may padlock
the lid at this time to prevent
Start the Brew
Turn the brew lock key to ON for
the liner you are brewing to.
Check the WATER HOT light to be
sure the water is up to temperature.
If the light is off, wait a few
moments for the urn to finish
Be certain to close the cover over
the liner you wish to use.
Press the START switch for the
liner you are brewing to.
Figure 3, Brew Controls
American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
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• The pump will run for 12 1/2 minutes to spray over the water required for 10 gallons of
coffee. The BREW light stays on while the pump is running. As water in the tank is
used, it is refilled automatically. The FILL light indicates that the fill valve is open. The
light should alternate on and off, even when brewing to both sides. If the FILL light stays
on during the brew cycle, see the Adjustment section for instructions on speeding the
fill rate.
• Press the STOP switch if you need to stop the brew. The timer will reset when STOP is
pressed, so be sure the liner is empty before you press START again.
After the Brew is Finished
When the brew cycle has automatically shut off, you should have ten gallons of coffee. The
level will be higher in the liner if you brew with no grounds. If the level is not correct, see
the Adjustment section.
• Allow about two minutes for the grinds to stop dripping.
• CAREFULLY open the liner cover.
• Remove the brew basket, dispose of the used grounds, and rinse the basket.
• Replace the basket on top of the liner and close the lid. The lid may be locked again.
• Monitor the level of coffee by checking the flashing light labeled COFFEE IN LINER
WHEN LIT. If this light is flashing, the liner is almost empty.
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American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
Bypass Adjustment
See figure 4.
Each liner has an independent bypass which is adjustable. The
Bypass valve controls the ratio of water sprayed over the
grounds to the water poured directly into the liner -bypassing the
The urn is shipped from the factory with the bypass open
3 1/2 turns. This means approximately 25% of the water
Figure 4, Bypass Valve
bypasses the coffee grounds. See the next section on Brew Techniques about the effect of
bypass on coffee.
If you desire more of the water to go through the coffee grounds, close the valve. Open the
valve to allow more water to bypass the coffee. Each liner’s valve must be adjusted
separately. You may need to adjust the brew timer slightly if you adjust the bypass to
maintain the correct volume.
Thermostat Adjustment
See figure 5.
The thermostat controls the temperature of the water
in the tank by switching the heater contactor on and off.
A capillary tube monitors temperature near the heaters.
The thermostat is calibrated such that when the shaft is
turned all the way on, the temperature is 200 degrees
To change the water tank temperature:
• Turn off power to the urn.
• Remove the control enclosure access cover.
• Locate the thermostat shaft inside the control
Figure 5, Thermostat
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• Turn the shaft full on.
American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
To Change the Water Tank Temperature (cont)
Insert a miniature, flat screwdriver into the center of the shaft.
Turn the screw slightly to make adjustments: clockwise to increase the
temperature, counterclockwise to lower.
Turn the power back on and allow the temperature to equalize. The water
hot light turns on when the heaters are off.
Check the water temperature inside the tank. Repeat adjustment if needed.
Timer Adjustment
See figure 6.
Two timers control the brew cycle including the air agitation.
When a start switch is pressed, the timer sends power to the
pump through the normally open contact. Also, the brew
light is turned on. These stay on for the set amount of time.
After the time is up, the air agitation turns on to stir the
Figure 6, Brew Timer
The time is set by turning an adjustment potentiometer,
see figure 6. This potentiometer is factory set to spray for 12 1/2 minutes.
To Adjust the Timer:
Turn off power to the urn.
Remove the control enclosure access cover.
Locate the timer you need to adjust.
Find the marked adjustment potentiometer on the front of the timer.
Insert a screwdriver and turn the potentiometer to the approximate time you need.
Restart the brewer and measure the time of a brew - start button pressed to
sprayover stop.
Re-adjust the potentiometer to make fine corrections if needed.
Flow Rate Adjustment
See figure 7.
Spray Over Rate
Two valves - one for each liner - control the flow rate of water
from the pump to the sprayover. They have been factory set to
provide proper rate for a twelve minute brew time. Only adjust
these if the rate has obviously come out of adjustment.
To Adjust the Rate:
• Turn off all power to the urn.
• Remove the control enclosure access cover.
• Locate the valve to the liner you want to adjust.
• Open the valve slightly for faster sprayover, close
for slower sprayover.
Figure 7, Flow Valve
• Turn the urn back on and wait for the water hot light to turn on.
• Brew water into the liner for the standard 12 1/2 minutes. Adjust the
timer if it does not run the pump for the correct time.
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American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
To adjust the rate (cont)
The level in the liner should be one inch below the line where the
liner ring attaches to the liner wall.
Re-adjust until the level is correct.
Fill Rate Adjustment
The fill rate depends on the water line pressure and the
opening of the FAST FILL VALVE, see figure 8. If the urn
does not refill as fast as it uses water during a brew cycle, you
may adjust the fill rate. If you adjust for maximum fill rate and
the level still cannot keep up, either the pressure is too low or
the fill system may have a clog. See Troubleshooting.
Figure 8, Fill Rate Valve
To Adjust the Fill Rate:
Remove the control access cover.
Locate the needle valve labeled, FAST FILL VALVE.
Open the valve a few turns.
Brew water into both liners simultaneously. Watch the
FILLING indicator.
If the light cycles on and off, the rate is fast enough.
If the FILLING light stays on, the rate is too slow. Re-adjust.
American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn
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Cleaning your coffee brewer will help the machine last longer, produce better coffee, and
keep its attractive appearance. Cleaning regularly does not take much time. Follow these
steps for daily and weekly cleaning. Cleaning brushes may be purchased from American
Metal Ware or your restaurant equipment dealer. Do not use soap, scouring powders, or
abrasive materials to clean your equipment. These will damage the stainless steel finish.
After Each Use
Empty and rinse brew basket.
Drain and rinse urn liner.
Add some hot water to liner and brush liner interior. To add small amounts of hot
water to liner, close cover and press start and stop switches to control amount.
Rinse again and urn is ready for next brew.
Each Day
Brush urn liner well, rinse well.
Wipe exterior surfaces with a damp rag. The stainless steel may be cleaned with
stainless steel cleaner.
After the last use and cleaning, fill brew water into the liners to help any coffee oils
from staining the metal.
Clean the liners with urn cleaner, never use bleach or chlorine based products on
stainless steel.
Fill the liner 3/4 with hot water. Follow the cleaner’s instructions and allow to stand
in hot urn for 30 minutes.
Coffee brewer cleaners which have been used successfully:
DIP-IT from Economics Laboratory, White Plaines, NY
OXYLITE from Avril, Inc., Syndet Division, Reading, PA
TEMP-KLEEN from Caddy Corp. of America, Pitman, NJ
Scrub inside the liner with a long handled brush. Clean the nut in the bottom
of the liner.
Be sure the liner is empty. Remove the bonnet, or the cap and handle part, of the
coffee faucets. Brush inside of the faucet body. Clean the silicone faucet seal.
Also, with the liners empty, remove the coffee faucets from their shanks. Brush
clean the tube interior which leads to the center of the liners.
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American Metal Ware 67710E
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Grindmaster® Coffee Grinders and Brewers • Espressimo® Espresso Machines • Crathco® Hot Beverage Dispensers
Crathco® Cold and Frozen Beverage Dispensers • American MetalWare® Coffee and Tea Systems
Tel (502) 425-4776 • Fax (502) 425-4664 • 1-800-695-4500
P.O. Box 35020 • Louisville, KY 40232 • USA
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